Bill Belichick, 72, Scored His 24-Year-Old Girlfriend With The Ultimate Pickup Line



By now you probably know (or maybe you don’t?) that  Bill Belichick is dating 24-year-old ex-cheerleader Jordan Hudson. It’s been bombshell news ever since it leaked because A) Jordan is an attractive young lady and B) Bill Belichick is 72 years old. So yeah, just a little bit creepy.

We all know Belichick is a master tactician when it comes to the (American) football field, but if you ever wondered how a septuagenarian bags a girl 48 years younger than him, then TMZ has you covered. Apparently – he chirpsed her brains off while sat next to her on a flight from Boston to Florida:

The pic was taken at some point during a February 2021 flight — after the future Hall of Famer had sat next to Hudson as they were both headed from the Boston area to Florida.

Our sources say at one point during the trip … Belichick leaned in to inquire about some school work Hudson — a college student at the time — had been working on, and they hit it off.

We’re told the two talked about Hudson’s “Deductive Logic” textbook for a while — and the conversation was so good, Belichick ultimately autographed the inside cover of it.

Alongside his John Hancock, Belichick wrote to the now 23-year-old, “Thanks for giving me a course on logic!”

Bill Belichick, you old dog you! What an unbelievable flex to add his Super Bowl wins to the signature as well, which obviously took up a lot of the page. He probably wasn’t even trying to impress her with that, it’s just the way Bill Belichick signs things.

Now obviously, it’s more than a little bit weird/dodgy that a 72-year-old man would chat up and then start dating a 24-year-old girl. At his age and level of success, he should be able to find someone who genuinely likes/respect/fancies him. Still, on some level you have to respect the balls it took to even try to chat up a girl that much younger than him (on a plane no less!). Most of us, at some point, have thought about chatting up the good-looking female passenger on our flight. How many people actually have the guts to do it? Well, Bill Belichick clearly does, as creepy as the whole thing is.

Jordon Hudson

Jordan Hudson.

Jordon Hudson


Anyway, I’m sure this young lady’s father is very proud to know that his daughter is getting sh@gged by a man who’s probably old enough to be his dad. Bill Belichick’s own daughter is 39 years old, in case you want to be creeped out even further. Congrats on the sex though, I guess.

To meet 80-year-old Mick Jagger’s 37-year-old girlfriend, click HERE. Apparently, she had no idea he was worth $500 million!



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