An East London Bartender Is Now Making Buckfast Negronis



Everyone knows that Buckfast is an completely dangerous drink and if you decide to consume it on a night out, there’s no telling what might happen. Indeed, something like 60% of arrests in Scotland have something to do with Buckfast and it’s for that reason that the drink has the reputation that it does.

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Nevertheless, someone out there thinks that Buckfast needs to be used in a cocktail and that person is  Stu Bale, Glaswegian drinks consultant and East London bartender. Bale has subtly added the Buckfast Negroni to his menu at the Bad Sports taco and cocktail join in Shoreditch, replacing the red vermouth with Buckfast in the traditional recipe.

He talked to Vice about why it worked so well and why he decided to do it:

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If you look at the ingredients, you don’t think it’s going to work. Buckfast is demeaned by most people and they don’t take it seriously. But actually, it’s a good ingredient and if you know what you’re doing, you can make something taste really delicious.

The Buckfast has nice tannins and it’s fruity so it makes a valid substitute for red vermouth.

If you did a blind taste test, then you can’t really pick it out against the red vermouth.

But it does get you pretty fucked up if you drink a lot of it.

I write cocktail menus for a lot of different places and I’d always wanted to put Buckfast on a menu. But it was never going to work in the bar of a five-star hotel.

It was a nice juxtaposition of getting the Buckfast into a negroni, which is a serious drink. It’s the tongue-in-cheek thing but then it’s a delicious drink as well.

I mean I guess that’s kind of a cool that there’s a Buckfast cocktail now but I don’t think I’m going to be rushing to try it out any time soon. Hell, even if I went to get some tacos I doubt I would be picking it up. Sounds gross and kinda dangerous too – am sure that they’ll be a bunch of people out there queuing round the block for it though.

For more of the same, check out this bakery that is now serving Buckfast donuts. What the heck?



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