Bank Robber Arrested After Live Streaming His Failed Robbery Attempt On TikTok



Live-streaming a bank robbery would be pretty awesome if you managed to get away with it, but when the robbery attempt itself is a complete failure and you live-stream to thousands of people on the internet to boot, then you’re going to look like the dumbest criminal of all time instead.

As per Telegrafi, 38-year-old Valter Xhellillari went live on TikTok and broadcasted himself breaking down the door to a bank in Korça, Albania, at around 10pm on December 21. He hung around a bit like an idiot without being able to take anything, and then escaped when the alarm eventually went off, alerting not only police, but security in the building.

Amazingly, Valter was able to make a getaway, but when authorities checked the CCTV footage, they noticed he had a phone in his hand and was livestreaming his failed bank robbery on TikTok.

man arrested

In the end, they tracked down his apartment and waited outside until he eventually turned up, at which point he was immediately arrested. As he was being led away in handcuffs, Valter claimed he was ‘too drunk’ to remember breaking into the bank or to remember streaming the bank break-in on TikTok. Imagine being arrested for a failed bank robbery that you can’t even remember! Brutal.

And so, Valter Xhellillari is now behind bars but again, he would have been something of a legend if he had managed to successfully pull this off. He could have livestreamed the break-in, stolen a bunch of money, deleted his social media (after sending the TikTok viral, of course) and then fled the country. I mean, if you can’t openly live-stream and brag about robbing a bank while doing it, what’s even really the point?

Unfortunately for Valter, I’m not even sure he really understands the first thing about robbing a bank. After breaking into the building, he didn’t seem to have a clue what to do. It’s like he thought there would be piles of cash just laying around everywhere ready for him to stuff in his pockets and run off with. That’s why bank robberies happen during the day while they’re open! You’ve got to pass a threatening note to the teller or go in there all guns blazing and demand the vault codes. And even then, you’re probably getting arrested 9 times out of 10 at least.

According to the article on Dexerto, comitting crimes and livestreaming it on the internet has become a bit of a trend as of late:

This is hardly the first time an alleged crime has been posted to a video platform. In November, a Florida woman was arrested for shoplifting after posting a video showing her Target haul on TikTok.

Earlier in 2024, street racer Squeeze Benz was arrested for numerous social media stunts, including a video where he allegedly eluded the police at high speeds. Authorities also found clips of the creator “committing various traffic violations throughout the Tri-State area.”

What a time to be alive…

For the bank robber’s writing that was so terrible staff didn’t even realise what was happening, click HERE.



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