Five-Foot-Tall Bagel Boss Guy Filmed Getting Into A Fist Fight In Casino



Remember the viral ‘bagel boss guy’ who went ballistic in an NYC takeaway back in 2019 after he thought a female worker was laughing at his height? Here’s a reminder of the viral clip in case you missed it at the time:

All these years later, the rumour was that the bagel boss guy had passed away after suffering a stoke when an Instagram model rejected him, but it now turns out he’s still alive and well. Well, not sure about the ‘well’ part, because he’s still getting into fights with strangers in public, this time with another man at a casino:

Yikes. Another poor look for the bagel boss guy. Can’t have been good for his ego listening to those ladies cackling with laughter as he threw those devastating leg kicks at the taller gentleman. I imagine he must’ve lost big at the roulette table to be in such a foul mood in the first place. Casinos can really mess with your emotions like that, never mind when you’re already paranoid that anyone and everyone taller than you is having a laugh at your expense.

The good news is that there’s hope for all the short kings out there, including the bagel boss guy. Get a load of the guy who recently went from 5’8 to 6’3 through a leg-lengthening procedure that was totally worth every penny. Bagel boss could easily reach 5’6 undergoing a similar surgery! Somebody let the man know!



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