Azealia Banks Claims That She Slept With Dave Chapelle And Wants To Ruin His Marriage



One thing that the global pandemic has meant is that we’ve seen way less of celebrities having drug and alcohol fuelled meltdowns, but it seems like as the restrictions start to ease that these are coming back into the conversation.

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Controversial rapper Azealia Banks is the lastest troubled celebrity to post one of these videos, filming herself on some weird rant saying that she’s slept with loads of people’s husbands and should rat them all out because they don’t ever back her up when she does something stupid. In particular she says she should ruin Dave Chapelle’s marriage and seems to be taking aim at him here – make of it what you will:

There’s a lot of tea I’ve been wanting to spill on these black n*****, especially when I’m being attacked by the media and you guys don’t come to my defense.

Like Dave Chappelle, I should ruin your f*cking marriage… I should ruin your f*cking marriage. I should tell the f*cking world that we f*cked … cause y’all don’t look out for me so what the f*ck I’m keeping secrets for y’all”

Oh geez. Looks like someone isn’t enjoying lockdown that much hey?

Not really sure if anything she says here will have any repercussions – other than maybe ending up with Banks herself being a target in Dave Chapelle’s next comedy special – but it’s out there now. Think Chapelle probably knows better to engage with that, but it can’t have been too nice for him sitting around the BBQ yesterday with his family. Can you imagine?

For more of the same, check out Azealia Banks and that weird beef she had with Grimes a while ago. That was strange.



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