Awesome Photos From Russia With Love #27



Russian military body armour looks funny and scary at the same time…

Awesome Photos From Russia With Love - New Russian Exoskeletons carry more

It protects you from weapons obviously, but it also enables you to carry more and walk quicker apparently.

Awesome Photos From Russia With Love - New Russian Exoskeletons

The thinnest building in the world in Nizhny Novgorod.

Awesome Photos From Russia With Love - Nizhny Novgorod, Russia thin house 2


Awesome Photos From Russia With Love - Nizhny Novgorod, Russia thin house

This could be any school anywhere in the world. Kids are mental. I particularly enjoy the serious, reverential pride that’s emanating from the girls faces.

Awesome Photos From Russia With Love - art

How to keep your car toasty warm for the morning:

Awesome Photos From Russia With Love - no frost

An Olympic sandwich. Yum…

Awesome Photos From Russia With Love - olympic sandwich

That’s the end of number 27. Please stop by next time.

☛ Now: Awesome Photos From Russia With Love #17



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