Awesome Photos From Russia With Love #20



Terrifying police dogs are all the rage in the Russian forces. I know this one’s small but it has a taste for human blood. Watch your ankles.

Russia With Love - police dog

Party time.

Russia With Love - Puke

I suppose if you’ve got that much snow around all the time you may as well get creative. It’s pretty darned impressive ain’t it? Watch out for frost bite = JOKE.

Russia With Love - snow shark


Russia With Love - social network

This is an awesome GIF but quite confusing. So there’s a guy trying to get into a grandma’s flat, I get that. He hurts his leg, yeah I see that too. But why is he trying to burglarize a granny? And why is she lobbing bottles at a camera? I dunno. I do like a good mystery though.

Russia With Love - Thief Fail Mad Woman

What an absolutely brilliant way to make use of a bust up old train.

Russia With Love - Train Bridge

☛ Up Next: Awesome Photos From Russia With Love #18



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