Awesome Photos From Russia With Love #12



High fashion.

Awesome Photos From Russia With Love - Sheep Head

Geoff’s in that state of drunken bliss just moments before you wake up after an arduous session. He will soon come round and experience that all too familiar feeling of crushing defeat. The second he wakes up and his brain registers what position he’s been in all night, he will be in the opposite of bliss. If you sleep on your neck funny it aches all day, if you sleep on your whole body funny you won’t walk properly for days.

Awesome Photos From Russia With Love - Smashed

You’d think that a sign right by some stairs, simply pointing out that there were stairs there, would be pointless. I guess not in Siberia.

Awesome Photos From Russia With Love - Snow

☛ More From Russia: Russian Man Gets Revenge By Filling Someone’s Car With Cement



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