The story has progressed in recent days as a clerk at the store has spoken out saying: “It doesn’t make much of a difference for us whether we’re authorized or not, I just care that what I sell every day are authentic Apple products, and that our customers don’t come back to me to complain about the quality of the products.” So, it’s a fake store, selling genuine products. I can’t help but think, what’s the point? They could have set up shop for a few weeks selling knock-off products for extortionate prices and make a million. But, no. I clearly have a criminal mind. It could even be possible for the store to be granted authorisation to sell the products! However, at this time it still isn’t authorised and I think with the media attention it’s receiving Apple aren’t going to be too kind in granting such a privilege. In fact, I think they could throw a minor bitch fit.
UPDATE: Customers return and they aren’t happy. Refunds galore!