Andrew Tate Fans Point Out He Was Released From Prison On The Same Day ‘The Matrix’ Came Out In 1999



Anyone who has even a passing knowledge of Andrew Tate will know that he regularly refers to ‘The Matrix’ and reckons that we’re living in a simulation, so it’s kind of strange that he was finally released from prison on the same day that the movie ‘The Matrix’ was released back in 1999.

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Obviously, a load of his fans were quick to point out the news on social media:

Eh I suppose that is sort of a coincidence but I literally think that that’s all this is here and it’s not some nudge nudge eye wink reference from ‘the people in charge’ to try and let some of us know ‘what’s really going on’. People really do have too much time on their hands believing dumb theories like that.

As for Andrew Tate, I imagine he’ll continue to post nonsense on the internet and could be found guilty of human trafficking in the coming weeks. As for ‘The Matrix’, I don’t think anyone really liked the last one and it wasn’t that successful so it could be the end of the franchise? Coincidence? You tell me.

For more of the same, check out when Andrew Tate said that he had beens suffering from lung cancer. Was that ever found to be true?



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