53 Amazing Photos Of Russian Landscapes




Ingushetia is one of Russia’s poorest and most restive regions. The ongoing military conflict in neighboring Chechnya has occasionally spilled into Ingushetia.

Amazing Pictures From Russia - Ingushetia 2

Ingushetia has been destabilized by corruption, a number of high-profile crimes including kidnapping and murder of civilians by government security forces, anti-government protests, attacks on soldiers and officers, Russian military excesses and a deteriorating human rights situation.

Amazing Pictures From Russia - Ingushetia Tsey-Loam peak

Amazing Pictures From Russia - Ingushetia

Lake Baikal

You wouldn’t catch me walking out on a frozen lake, let alone take the time to put some pretty cool art on there.

Amazing Pictures From Russia - Lake Baikal Art 2

Lake Baikal is the most voluminous freshwater lake in the world, containing roughly 20% of the entire world’s unfrozen surface fresh water…

Amazing Pictures From Russia - Lake Baikal Art 3

Baikal is also one of the clearest and oldest lakes in the world…

Amazing Pictures From Russia - Lake Baikal Art

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