Alleged Predator Tries To Fight Predator Hunters After Being Exposed In Supermarket



Amateur predator hunting seems to be big business on the internet these days, with a whole bunch of YouTubers running their own operations where they bait nonces online and then expose them on camera in public settings.

Sometimes these stings can go a bit sideways though, as evidenced by this Peter Griffin-lookalike trying to fight his way out the situation, and going full nonce Terminator on the lads:

Well, it would have been nice if the cameraman knew how to do his job properly, but I guess it was a situation he was completely unprepared for. I can’t seem to find any information as to what happened after the video stopped rolling, but it’s possible that getting into a physical altercation with this man could work in the (suspected) predator’s favour.

Not that it’s about anything other than the views and the clout for these YouTubers, but having these (alleged) nonces arrested and jailed is a welcome by-product of some of these videos. If there was anything untoward going on (which it definitely seems like there was), here’s hoping the authorities turned up and actually did something about it.

To watch rapper White John get into a fight with a predator who was meeting a 14-year-old and end up losing, click HERE. Not a great look, is it?



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