Airline Worker Falls From Plane After Not Realising The Runway Steps Have Been Moved Away



Bad day at the office for this airline worker at Jakarta Airport, Indonesia, this week, as he fell from a plane onto the tarmac below as the flight crew prepared for takeoff.

The worker reportedly saluted the crew for a safe flight (oh the irony) and went to step off the plane like he’s done a hundred times before, only he didn’t realise that ground staff had removed the mobile runway steps from the aircraft, resulting in this unfortunate scene:

Ouch. Note to self – don’t go through doors backwards, especially when said doors are dangerously high in the air. And especially when you’ve got a whole bunch of hot air hostesses watching! Terrible look for the guy.

The good news is the worker received immediate medical treatment and did not suffer any life-threatening injuries, so at least he’ll be able to brag that he fell out of a plane and survived.

Better still, he’s looking at a decent chunk of compensation because aviation rules state that workers should not remove the runway steps while an aircraft door is still open. Clear violation of the rules there! Probably looking at one or two sackings too, I’d guess.

For the man who was left ‘traumatised’ after being trapped inside a plane toilet for an entire flight, click HERE.



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