Adele Rips Into Audience Member Who Yelled ‘Pride Sucks’ During Vegas Show



You wouldn’t really expect an Adele fan to yell ‘Pride sucks!’ or any other anti-LGBT sentiment during one of her shows, but I guess it’s more of a mixed crowd when you’re doing a Vegas residency and playing for people who have just come down to get p*ssed on the weekend.

Sure enough, Adele wasn’t having any of it:

Damn. Imagine Adele asking you if you’re f*cking stupid and telling you shut up in front of thousands of people, and millions more on the internet later? Something to tell the grandkids about I suppose. The worst part is you’d still have to sit there throughout the remainder of her concert because you probably paid around $500 for the privilege. He could have just hit the Vegas strip and watched an Adele impersonator for a fraction of the price!

Well anyway, this should buy Adele some favour with the LGBT crowd after she was accused of “transphobia” previously. Come on, Adele is way too savvy to p*ss off her own fanbase like that.



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