This Is What Happens When You Act Like A Dick On Russian Airplanes



Unbelievably, some people still don’t realise that you can’t act like a tool on airplanes these days. Unless you’re DB Cooper there’s no chance of getting away with tomfoolery at 35,00 feet, so sit down, shut up and play nice like everyone else onboard. No one wants to deal with your shit when they’re flying, it’s god-awful enough as it is without someone acting like a dick or underestimating the effects of altitude on alcohol consumption.

If you’re one of those people that really just can’t get on a plane and act like a normal human being then stay the hell away from Russia. It’s statistically proven that Russians give way fewer fucks than the rest of the world, so they wont think twice about taking you down, tying you up and throwing peanuts at your stupid face for acting like a clown.

To be fair you don’t get to see exactly what the guy did wrong but according to reports he was drunk and abusive towards other passengers for some time before being subdued. Sounds about right when you see how many other people are keen to get stuck in once the first passenger steps up to this clown, with one person particularly not shy about leaving his mark on this dude. Eastern European mobs have not been known to be gentle. 



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