According To Science, Your Penis Actually Gets Shorter Over Time



If there’s one thing that’s sure to give males anxiety growing up then it’s the length and shape of their dicks, so here’s science to kick you in the ass and give you some more bad news about it – it’s actually going to get smaller as you get older.

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The revelation comes courtesy of Florida-based urologist Dr. Jamin Brahmbhatt, who has revealed that your dick starts losing its girth once you hit your thirties. Probably because traditionally you’re not using it so much as you’re more than likely in a long term relationship so are too busy looking after your kids or just not having sex because you’re in a long term relationship:

The penis can lose about a centimeter of length from your rock solid thirties to when you’re in your about to retire sixties.

The penis can lose about a centimeter of length from your rock solid thirties to when you’re in your about to retire sixties.

The reason many men have a larger loss of size over time is usually due to an enlarging belly. The more fat you have in your belly, the less visible your penis.

Best tip to give men to avoid loss of a ton of visible penis is to stay in shape and avoid the belly fat.

Female doctor looking at a testicles ultrasound results

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There you have it – if you’re rapidly expanding gut wasn’t depressing enough, the fact is that it’s going to make your penis smaller as well. This getting old lark really does suck doesn’t it? At least it’s not that noticeable a different though hey?

If you are in great shape as you enter your thirties though, don’t worry – there’s still a number of ways that your penis can end up shrinking. These include prostrate cancer and other penile diseases and a loss of collagen and elasticity leading to reduced blood flow. Fantastic.

For more penises, check out the five most common penis injuries. They’ll probably help it get smaller as well.



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