Depressing Abandoned “Ghost Estates” In Ireland



There’s more than 600 ghost estates in Ireland, a government report reckons there’s around 30,000 empty homes in total. Some of these ghost estates do have a handful of residents who purchased these new homes before the developers fucked off for good. They are, of course, massively gutted because they now live in a neighbourhood with no amenities and no neighbours, so it’s pretty rubbish. And they can’t sell because no one wants to move there and the land isn’t worth a single tiny testicle’s worth of nickel.

Ireland - Ghost Estates - Mist

Irish Ghost Estates 3

The government, for a while, said it might use the houses to reduce the queue for council housing, but they couldn’t even do that because there are no schools and other necessary facilities like street lighting in these desolate brick shit houses.

☛ Up Next: 100% Awesome Abandoned Monuments In Yugoslavia



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