Everybody knows that the celebrity lifestyle leads to all kinds of pitfalls regarding addiction and mental health problems, but maybe sex addiction isn’t one problem that’s as well known as it might be.
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A$AP Rocky looks like he wants to change that though, as he recently admitted in an interview with that he was a sex addict, having attended his first orgy at the age of 13:
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I was always a sex addict. Like probably [since] junior high.
I was horny. I ain’t even have no sperm in my testicles yet but I literally just was horny.
My dad had went to jail for drugs, so my mom moved us to a homeless shelter on 104th and Broadway. Our school was like three blocks away, and they used to let us out for lunch, for 45 minutes.
The first time was in this apartment building. We took the elevator to the roof, and everybody put their coats on the ground.
There were like five girls and ten guys, and we all just took turns.
And hopefully you didn’t have a little d*** because they’re going to tease you!
At that time, I wasn’t the biggest guy, but come on, cut me some slack, I was in the seventh grade!’
I mean yeah fair you ain’t gonna have the biggest dick back then are you? Kinda sounds like a pretty inspiring orgy as well, but again I suppose they were all like 13 so they didn’t really know what they were doing anyway. Apparently A$AP has a majorly big bed now for all the orgy shit he gets up to and I assume even if he does have a small dick nobody is taking the piss out of him because he’s a major ass rapper these days. Some people have all the luck.
For more of the same, check out Dan Bilzerian having the most wild orgy of all time – with pictures. Oh boy.