A PETA Protester Tried To Cause A Scene At Pharrell’s Movie Premiere And He Handled It Like An Absolute Pro



Pharrell Williams was at the Toronto Film Festival the other night for the premiere of his LEGO movie, when a wacko PETA protester sprang into action and started screaming about animal abuse, which I guess Pharrell is perpetuating through his fashion brand.

Class act that he is, Pharrell remained cool, calm and collected, and rather politely allowed the protester to scream her lungs out and then attempted to have a conversation with her (which she was woefully underprepared for):

Imagine being this PETA protester and turning up with the sole purpose of causing a scene by yelling as loud as she could, and then actually being given the chance to have a conservation about her issue with the man himself… and then just continuing to scream like a lunatic instead of taking him up on his offer?

She could have calmly had a dialogue with him like “OK Pharrell, you say I’m right, so what are you doing about it? What actions are you going to take to protect animals?”. He literally gave her a golden layup to hold him accountable on the spot!

Instead she kept on screaming her head off, and so unfortunately no real conservations could be had. Pharrell ends up looking classy and reasonable, and the PETA protester just looks like an attention-seeking moron. Come on PETA! Not exactly sending your best, are you?

For the animal rights activist who stabbed a woman who believed was wearing fur, click HERE. 



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