How To Make Your Own Wolverine Claws



When I was a kid I used to make myself Wolverine claws claws out of pencils, but they were really REALLY shit. The most offensive thing I could do with them was draw 3 HB lines at the same time on the wall or put some holes in a piece of paper – badass alert! They were hardly a feat of engineering either, usually held together with a whole load of hope, willpower, and making sure I kept my fingers together tight enough so the pencils wouldn’t fall out.

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At the time I was probably only 10, so I suppose I could be let off for the shortcomings in my fabrication, but how would they turn out if someone had loads of industrial equipment, some expertise and a well thought out beard?

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Turns out there’s this guy ‘Man at Arms’ that takes suggestions from the Twitter-verse on which weapons to make. Like that’s normal. Anyway, he ticks all the necessary boxes and has made these SERIOUS claws. The whole process is explained at 100 miles per hour, but you get the general gist – even if you don’t give much of a fuck. Stick with it though, sit back and grab the popcorn as they ‘test’ them out on an array of random objects.



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