Wow. A new Taking Back Sunday song called ‘El Paso.’ It’s been a while since I’ve really been that interested in Taking Back Sunday, although I will freely admit that ‘Tell All Your Friends’ (which worryingly came out almost a decade ago) is definitely in my top 20 albums of all time, but I mean recently they’ve kind of dropped off the map, so is this something that’s really relevant to me anymore?
Well, the hype machine has been truly rolling and I guess my interest piqued slightly with the announcement last year that John Nolan and Shaun Cooper (who left the band shortly after the release of ‘Tell All Your Friends’ because lead singer Adam Lazarra was slutting around on tour when he was supposed to be dating Michelle Nolan – John’s sister. John and Shaun went on to form Straylight Run who were perhaps the most boring band in history whereas Taking Back Sunday went on to become huge and make millions) were re-uniting with the other members for a new album! OMG here’s a picture of them!!!
Wow! Big news right? Would it herald the return of emo? Would it be good? What happened to the other two members who played on the last record? Does anyone care? OMG original TBS lineup!!! (actually I know Matt Rubano who played bass on the last three records is gonna be part of Patrick Stump’s live band)
So yeah, I guess when the announcement was made last year, millions of emo kids who were now in their early to mid twenties probably started growing their emo fringes again and started looking for the tightest t shirts they could find in anticipation of this record. But to be honest they probably forgot, as I did, that it had even happened as they’ve taken such a long time to actually release any music. Well, I guess they had a long enough time to grow that fringe (and probably stretch and plug their ears while they were at it), as the first song has finally been released TODAY, almost a year after the original announcement. It’s called El Paso and you can check it out below:
Worth the wait? Not really. It sounds pretty much exactly like a Brand New song off the Daisy record. Specifically like the first one on it, ‘Vices.’ I guess it’s ok, and granted it would be rpetty boring if they just came out with ‘Tell All Your Friends’ Part 2 but I’m pretty underwhelmed by it. i guess the guitar tones and drums sounds and Brand New vibe of the whole thing might mean that the album itself is pretty interesting, but probably not. I guess I’ll wait and see. We can probably look forward to a bunch more of those dumb internet message board arguments about the whole Brand New/Taking Back Sunday thing again because of this similarity though, right? That is so last summer dude (more specifically 2003).