Okay so we’ve all seen the massively annoying confused.com, go compare, and BT broadband adverts, and unless you’ve got plenty of time on your hands/are tripping your nads off you probably haven’t reimagined these moronic lapses in television redubbed, the results ending up being seriously jokes. If you have, you may already be aware of comedian Jabooody Dubs who has rerecorded the voice overs on some of America’s driest infomercials resulting in some pretty funny shit and over 84 million views.
There just isn’t a way to pick a favourite, it’s really up to you whether you would prefer satanic night lights, flaccid dumbbells, or ‘pussy hair remover’ but if you’re gonna start somewhere it should probably be with the immensely popular ‘Ba’noodle Dub’, the device that is the best defence against anal leakage.
[yframe url=’http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vLcvCH1h1qk’]
And just when you thought there wasn’t much better advice than how to keep your shit tight, there’s also a sweet little gadget that helps you spray it with hair too. Gross, but someone should really share that with Vin Diesel. Have you ever seen that dude’s Facebook page FFS?
[yframe url=’http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vmSizEBoaSw’]
Granted, these aren’t quite the product of the hours painstaking effort put in by Youtube favourites Cassette Boy, but they certainly are simple pleasures with maximum results. You know, like men laughing at farts. Who would have thought that using unsubtle innuendos to describe household objects would already be funnier than a Dutch oven? Or maybe that’s just wishful thinking.
☛ More: Fvck You Adverts!
☛ More: America’s Worst Ideas
☛ More: Cassette Boy Vs Boris Johnson