Dinamo Zagreb Defender Fined For Having Beer Before Match



Domagoj Vida

Domagoj Vida, who plays for Croatian club Dynamo Zagreb was fined £80,000 for opening a can of beer on the team coach before a game against NK Vsar.

Now to me this seems very harsh, the poor bloke was just having a little livener before the game and now he’s got all that money to pay. So what if he has a couple of beers before the game, chances are he’d probably play better anyway.

It was surely only a bit of a laugh, they were playing some crap team from a lower league in the cup. They were bound to win, plus it was a Tuesday night, I mean you’ve got to have a drink on a Tuesday night.

The problem with modern day football is that it takes itself to seriously, back in the day greats like George Best would have been still pissed from the night before and Arsenal’s team bus in the nineties was probably like a jolly boys outing.

Coach Ante Cacic supposedly ordered Domagoj Vida off the team bus in disgrace as the rest of them went on with their journey to the match. Let’s hope Vida did the honourable thing and got shit faced at the nearest pub.



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