Starbucks Ordered To Pay Man £39 Million After Coffee Spill Burned His Genitals At Drive-Thru



Starbucks has been ordered to pay a Los Angeles delivery driver $50 million (£39 million) after his genitals were severely burned by a drink which did not have the lid on properly.

In CCTV footage taken from inside the Starbucks, you can just about the see the moment the 82°C coffee spills into Michael Garcia’s lap, leaving him screaming in pain as his car disappears from view:

Garcia suffered third-degree burns to his penis, groin and inner thighs, requiring multiple skin grafts. According to his attorney, his penis has been left permanently discoloured and disfigured, with reduced length and girth, and he experiences pain during sexual activity and friction. Which sound absolutely awful, but is it really $50 million awful?

Well – let me ask you this: would you pour liquid fire onto your giblets for $50 million? I’m not so sure many people would. The man has essentially lost his penis, all because someone at Starbucks didn’t fully secure the lid onto his coffee cup, which itself wasn’t secured into the tray.

According to Starbucks, who are appealing the decision, once their hands are off the drink, then they are not responsible for any injury sustained from the drink spilling on you. The coffee giant says:

 ‘We sympathize with Mr. Garcia, but we disagree with the jury’s decision that we were at fault for this incident and believe the damages awarded to be excessive.

‘We have always been committed to the highest safety standards in our stores, including the handling of hot drinks.’

Garcia sought damages for mental anguish, loss of enjoyment of life, humiliation, inconvenience, grief, disfigurement, physical impairment, anxiety and emotional distress. Starbucks had initially offered him $3 million to settle the case, then $30 million, but Garcia turned it down and insisted on $50 million. I hope he doesn’t end up regretting that if Starbucks’ appeal is successful, which it hopefully won’t be. One hot coffee to go, please!

For the dude who threw his drink in a McDonald’s manager’s face, only to immediately end up wishing he hadn’t, click HERE.



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