Man Filmed Partner Having Sex With Pug In ‘Worst Case’ Judge Has Ever Seen



It’s a terrible day to be literate, because it means we have to read about this story of a Sheffield couple that routinely had sex with their pet pug after becoming obsessed with bestiality.

Graham Marshall, 39, encouraged Paige Reaney, 33, to have intercourse with Charlie, their pet pug, as it was part of a ‘fantasy’ that he had after watching someone have sex with a dog when he was younger. However, Reaney would also have sex with the pug while she was alone (under Marshall’s instruction).

The couple’s offending was only uncovered after police raided their home following a tip-off that Graham Marshall was in possession of child abuse images. Sure enough, he was, but police also discovered footage he had taken of Reaney engaging in multiple sexual acts with their pet pug, over which Marshall provided commentary such as “so, so, f****** hot, that’s amazing.”

Paige Reaney leaves Sheffield Crown Court. Graham Marshall and Paige Reaney appear at Sheffield Crown Court accused of having sex with a dog, September 3 2024. A man and a woman have been charged with having sex with a dog. Graham Marshall, 38, and Paige Reaney, 33, allegedly committed the crimes against a dog called Charlie, whose breed wasn't disclosed. Both defendants are charged with one offence of causing unnecessary suffering to a protected animal and "namely regularly subjecting him to habitual sexual activity." They also face one offence of duty of person responsible for animal to ensure welfare in that they "failed to protect him from pain and suffering caused by habitual sexual activity".

Aside from that, police also uncovered hidden camera footage of two adult women using a toilet that Marshall had covertly filmed in a bathroom – neither of whom were Reaney.

Marshall has now been jailed for five-and-a-half years, which seems fairly light for someone who’s been caught with both child abuse images and making his own bestiality p0rn, in addition to the charges for voyeurism.

But if you think he got off lightly, Reaney has avoided prison altogether; being handed a 9-month sentence which has been suspended for 2 years. As long as she doesn’t commit any crimes in the next 2 years (sh@gging pugs or otherwise), she’ll have got off scot-free.

Judge Jeremy Richardson KC told the couple during sentencing:

‘The circumstances of this case are extremely disturbing. In a professional life in the law covering 45 years, I thought I had encountered most acts of depravity.

‘This case is perhaps the worse example of a case of its kind that I have ever come across.’

‘You have wallowed in the swamp of sexual depravity repeatedly, and over a long period.’

Graham Marshall leaves Sheffield Crown Court. Graham Marshall and Paige Reaney appear at Sheffield Crown Court accused of having sex with a dog, September 3 2024. A man and a woman have been charged with having sex with a dog. Graham Marshall, 38, and Paige Reaney, 33, allegedly committed the crimes against a dog called Charlie, whose breed wasn't disclosed. Both defendants are charged with one offence of causing unnecessary suffering to a protected animal and "namely regularly subjecting him to habitual sexual activity." They also face one offence of duty of person responsible for animal to ensure welfare in that they "failed to protect him from pain and suffering caused by habitual sexual activity".

Too bad the sentencing doesn’t reflect the judge’s harsh words there, but I guess the real punishment for these two is that their friends, families, neighbours, colleagues, and everyone else will know about their disgusting behaviour. The couple also have two kids who will now forever have to live with the stigma of what their parents have done.

No word on how the poor pet pug Charlie is doing, but let’s hope he’s on the road to recovery following what must’ve been a truly distressing and traumatic experience, essentially being r@ped by these two scumbags repeatedly. Geez, there are truly some sick people about.

For the man who killed his pet chickens by having sex with them as his wife filmed the whole thing, click HERE. What is wrong with people?



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