Road Raging Cyclist Gets What He Deserves After Holding Lad Hostage During Tense Altercation



As if cyclists didn’t have a bad enough reputation already, this Ned Flanders-lookalike over in Utah named Gary Peacock is going viral for being an absolute pr1ck during a road rage incident with a 22-year-old lad named Pierce Kempton, who, in contrast, behaved like a complete gentleman throughout.

Watch below:

Wow, what a prat this Gary Peacock fella is eh? Really living up to his last name there. He probably only had the balls to behave in such a manner because Kempton was young and kind and acted like a normal person during a difficult situation. Props to his friend as well for sticking around and ensuring things didn’t get too out of control.

In the end, police determined that both the kid and the old man screwed up and were cited accordingly. However, Kempton has since fought the $130 ticket and sent a copy of his dashcam video to the Park City District Attorney’s Office, which ultimately dismissed the fine. Indeed, the dashcam footage showed Kempton dropping from 29 mph to 26 while avoiding the cyclist, which means old man Peacock was just being paranoid.

In fairness to Peacock, he says he does regret the incident after paying an $160 disorderly conduct fine:

“I lost my temper. I didn’t go there with the intention of hitting them or doing anything but just telling him, ‘Hey, you came way too close to me. And I’m upset. I’m angry about it. This guy, unfortunately, was the subject of my wrath because of all these other incidents.”

So yeah, a completely unnecessary incident that definitely did not require the police to get involved, but ultimately the idiot cyclist who initiated it was the only one who paid the price. Lesson learned, let’s hope.

To watch a bull obliterate a cyclist during the Rock Cobbler bike race in California, click HERE. Ouch.



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