Piers Morgan Got Absolutely Rattled When Lowkey Asked Him To Condemn Rupert Murdoch



We don’t want to get into the whole Israel/Palestine thing on these pages because we are in no way experts on the matter, but it was interesting to see this exchange between Piers Morgan and pro-Palestine rapper Lowkey on Piers Morgan Uncensored the other night.

Piers Morgan seems completely unprepared as Lowkey whips out a document that suggests Piers’s boss, Rupert Murdoch, funded Israel PM Benjamin Netanyahu in the past, which itself would suggest that Piers is not an impartial commentator on the conflict:

Wow – I’m not sure I’ve ever seen Piers Morgan that rattled before? He just looks so uncomfortable! Now it might be unfair to sandbag someone in this manner, especially on their own show, but still, fair play to Lowkey for bringing the receipts and having Piers squirm in his seat for our entertainment. It might even have been worth never being invited back on the show again?

I do love that the cameraman knew not to zoom in on that letter without anyone even telling him to, though. Maybe Lowkey could post it online so the rest of us can have a closer look? Cheers.

Full interview below:

For the time Piers Morgan was absolutely eviscerated by Mohammed Hijab on his own show, click HERE.



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