Pharrell Tells Celebrities Who Endorse Politicians: ‘Shut Up. Nobody Asked You’



It’s always annoying when celebrities try to get political and tell you who to vote for instead of just staying in their lane and entertaining us, and so it’s quite refreshing that Pharrell Williams has come out to basically say as much.

Pharrell was being interviewed by The Hollywood Reporter when the interviewer tried to drum up some controversy by pressing the former NERD frontman on politics:

Music is playing a big role in the election. Would you allow either party to use your music in their campaigns? 

I don’t do politics. In fact, I get annoyed sometimes when I see celebrities trying to tell you [who to vote for]. There are celebrities that I respect that have an opinion, but not all of them. I’m one of them people [who says], “What the heck? Shut up. Nobody asked you.” When people get out there and get self-righteous and they roll up their sleeves and shit, and they are out there walking around with a placard: “Shut up!” So, no, I would rather stay out of the way, and obviously, I’m going to vote how I’m going to vote. I care about my people and I care about the country, but I feel there’s a lot of work that needs to be done, and I’m really about the action.

Just like with the crazed PETA protester who interrupted his movie premiere the other week, Pharrell handled the situation with aplomb. He’s talking to this reporter for one reason and one reason only: to promote his new LEGO movie. And so when the reporter (Mesfin Fekadu) tried to get political, Pharrell wasn’t having it. 

Although… he did endorse Hilary Clinton back in 2015 and even spoke at one of her events – lol. Did he forget about that?

Well, clearly Pharrell has had a change of heart and doesn’t want to talk about politics anymore. Or maybe he’s decided to vote Republican? Which is not an unsafe bet when it comes to celebrities who don’t want to tell you who they are voting for. 

Either way, good on Pharrell for not taking the bait this time, and giving an A+ answer. Remember back when it was taboo to discuss politics or religion outside your home? Sure would be nice to go back to those days.

For the little kid from Leeds who completely stole the show when dancing at Pharrell’s UK concert, click HERE. Pure electricity.



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