Unreal Video Of Police Robot Battering Criminal Barricaded In Hotel Room, Leading To First Police Robot Arrest Ever



Incredible footage is doing the rounds of a police robot in Texas completely dominating an armed parole violator who had barricaded himself in a hotel room, eventually leading to the first ever police robot arrest in history.

OK, the robot does look more WALL-E than Terminator, but it’s still pretty cool to see:

Amazing. I actually thought the criminal was a bit of a genius at the beginning when he came out with the blanket to blind and confuse the robot. What he obviously didn’t expect was for the robot to be completely prepared for this move and maneuver its way out of the blanket, before blasting him with tear gas. At that point the crook had to go extreme and literally shot the robot with his gun, which did absolute sweet f*** all.

When the tear gas became too much and the guy had no choice but to evacuate the hotel room, I was fully expecting actual, human police to turn up and take over. But nope – the police robot proceeded to run him over and pin him down and just completely and utterly dominate  this man. Well, what do you expect after shooting the robot? Of course it’s going to be vexed.

As if getting arrested and emasculated by a robot wasn’t enough, the criminal was sent back to prison for 20 years for violating his parole. No doubt all the other inmates will have seen the video go viral and are taking the p1ss out of him as we speak. Tough break, bud.

Now, what about those sex robots we were promised?



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