Diddy Has Reportedly Been Put On Suicide Watch After The ‘Shock’ Of Being Denied Bail



It’s got to be tough being a multi-millionaire music mogul like P Diddy and feeling powerless for the first time since the 90s, so just imagine his shock at being denied bail as he awaits trial for sex trafficking, racketeering and transportation to engage in prostitution.

According to multiple sources, Diddy, 54, has been placed on suicide watch as a ‘preventative measure’ as he is in ‘shock’ and his ‘mental state is unclear’.

Diddy is being held in Brooklyn’s Metropolitan Detention Center; known for being dangerous and understaffed, containing 1,600 inmates, with a high number of deaths and suicides. In fact an inmate was murdered there was recently as this summer, and ‘at least four’ inmates have taken their own lives there in the last three years.

Sean 'Diddy' Combs placed on suicide watch at N.Y. jail - Los Angeles Times

What really stands out is that even with how serious and disturbing the charges against Diddy are, he and his lawyer were probably feeling quite confident that he would be granted bail. All he would have to do is throw money at the problem, and it would go away, at least temporarily. But nope – given Diddy’s connections and wealth, he’s considered too much of a flight risk to be granted bail, and will not be given different or special treatment. Imagine that!

There is a feeling that a lot more stuff will come out about what went down at Diddy’s parties, and not just because Diddy might snitch, but also because there’s tons of video and audio evidence out there. Celebrities like Usher, Pink and Megan Fox all deleted thousands of Tweets following Diddy’s arrest, which might just be a coincidence, but then again maybe not.

What’s interesting is how comedian Katt Williams got the ball rolling on this earlier this year, claiming that 2024 would be the year that all the f*cked up sh1t in Hollywood and the music industry would come to light…

In fact Katt and others have been calling out Diddy and his behaviour for years, but no one took them seriously until now. Here’s R&B singer-turned-truth-teller Jaguar Wright telling everyone what a c*** Diddy is years ago…

Even Diddy’s ex-bodyguard has been trying to tell everyone about Diddy for YEARS…

For some reason, no one took what his ex-bodyguard was saying seriously, even though he was literally paid to be with Diddy 24/7 and to protect him and look the other way when he was doing all the things he is alleged to have been doing.

Another clip doing the rounds features radio host Charlamagne basically calling Diddy a sexual freak to his face, with Diddy having no clue how to respond:


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There’s loads more out there if you care to look, but what’s also interesting are the comparisons being drawn between the downfall and demise of Jeffrey Epstein and that of P Diddy. Just like Diddy, Epstein was denied bail and forced to stay in a detention centre; the same one that Diddy is in now. We kept getting reports that Epstein’s mental health was deteriorating and that he was in a very dark place, even though his family members would say the opposite. And now… we’re seeing the same pattern with Diddy.

So time will tell whether the cameras stop working in this detention centre and Diddy is found suffocated by his own bedsheets while on suicide watch (it’s even possible he’s being “guarded” by the same people who watched over Epstein). Let’s just say it wouldn’t be the most surprising thing in the world. Or maybe the feds will grant Diddy a plea deal, because there’s someone more powerful and influential he could give them? After all – Kanye West told us years ago that Diddy was an informant:

Again, the charges Diddy is facing are no joke and he’s probably screwed no matter what happens. He’ll probably get life in prison and have all his assets seized, although maybe a plea deal will get him 15 years off on probation or something. That seems to be the best he can hope for at this point. Bad Boys 4 Life, indeed!

In other court documents, it’s alleged that Diddy also had sex with Meek Mill & Chris Brown. How f****ing nuts were these parties?!



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