Unreal Footage Of Influencer Getting Trapped In A Bear Cave Just As Bear Returns Home



There’s absolutely never a reason to put yourself in a position where you’re trapped in a bear cave and coming face-to-face with the bear as it arrives home, but that’s the situation that lunatic influencer Stefan Janković found himself in this week.

Serbian Stefan shared two clips of the encounter, one featuring himself face-to-face with the bear as it starts sniffing him up and down:

And the second showing him up in a tree while two bears hang around underneath him:

Absolute nightmare material. I’m not sure why Stefan Janković was in this situation in the first place as he didn’t explain it, but maybe he should just try going for a walk in the park to get his nature fix next time, instead of crawling into a bear cave in the middle of nowhere? I can’t even begin to imagine the amount of sh1t in his pants when he realised the bear was returning home and he was trapped in its cave with only one way out.

But that’s the problem with Serbian maniacs like Stefan; you just know he’s going to go out and do the same thing next weekend and try to make another video like this. What if the bear is hungry next time? Stefan can’t be long for this world, surely. Future Darwin Award recipient for sure.



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