Train Guard Does Unbelievable Job Protecting Passenger From Getting Battered By Huge Gang Of Feral Youths



Nightmare situation for a passenger on board a Valleys train from Treherbert to Cardiff Central the other night, after he asked a group of unruly youths to turn their music down in the carriage.

Instead of complying with his request, the young demons decided to gang up on him and beat him up. Fortunately for the passenger, the train guard was absolutely on job (well… until the end of the video, that is):

That lad really gave the window a good hiding, didn’t he?

So, all this because someone was playing music too loud. I guess it’s a good argument for why you might just swallow your pride and endure some sh1te overly loud drill music being played by a bunch of little idiots on public transport instead of making an issue out of it. You’ve got more chance of being set upon than being listened to, so you may as well minimise your chances of being stabbed/beaten to death and bite your tongue until you can change carriage or get off the train.

Fair play to the train guard for saving that passenger from a serious beatdown, even if the passenger did end up receiving a number of blows there at the end. Could’ve ended a lot worse, for sure.

To watch a train passenger smack a teenage kid in the face for ‘littering’ in the carriage, click HERE. If only he was on the Valleys train too.



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