Maddie McCann Investigator Who Promised Jay Slater Answers ‘In 3 Days’ Gives Up On Day 5



The Madeleine McCann investigator who told missing teenager Jay Slater’s family he can get them answers ‘in three days’ has given up after 5 days in Tenerife, having gathered absolutely no new information and contributed sweet f*ck all despite how cocky he was sounding in the media the other week.

Former police officer Mark Williams-Thomas had offered to get Jay’s mum, Debbie Duncan, ‘answers as to what happened’ to the 19-year-old.

Mark, who carried out a TV investigation into prime Madeleine McCann suspect Christian Brueckner, flew out to Tenerife to ‘find out whether a third party was involved’, saying at the time:

“I would quickly be able to do establish whether or not there are suspicious circumstances. But I’d need total access to everything and to speak to all the witnesses involved.”

In fairness to Mark Williams-Thomas, he does seem to have swallowed a bit of humble pie following his swift withdrawal from the case, and has now advised Jay Slater’s family to use the GoFundMe cash (now sitting at £47,000!) to pay for proper experts and private investigators to continue the investigation into Jay’s disappearance.

Jay Slater is still missing after more than two weeks

He’s told Manchester Evening News:

“We still have a number of outstanding actions, but have given the family a preliminary breakdown of findings. In light of the police search ending.”


“I have suggested the family should use the GoFundMe money to continue the search using experts in searching. I would appeal again, if you have any ‘direct information’ having spoken to Jay or anyone that was with him over night 16/17th and have not yet been in contact please do so.”

Although the official search has ended, Guardia Civil has claimed that it has not ended its overall investigation, and volunteers are still searching the area – albeit without official police support. Chances that Jay Slater are found alive and well are depressingly slim at the moment, but who knows? Here’s hoping we get a breakthrough soon.

For a look at how the Spanish media has been treating Jay Slater’s best pal Lucy Mae, click HERE. 



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