Terrence Howard Went Back On Joe Rogan & Got Shut Down By Eric Weinstein With Brutal Reality Check



You may remember a couple months back when Terrence Howard went on the Joe Rogan podcast and spoke like a maniac for 3 hours; claiming he could remember being in his mother’s womb, that he had reinvented the periodic table, that gravity isn’t real, that straight lines are an illusion, and lots more unbelievable, mind-blowing claims from someone who really doesn’t have the credentials to be making them.

Enter Eric Weinstein – a podcast host with a PhD in mathematical physics from Harvard. Here’s what happened the other night when Joe Rogan invited Weinstein and Terrence Howard on the same show to discuss some of the ideas Howard had brought up:

That’s just a 15-minute clip from a 4-HOUR discussion they have in the full thing, which I’m not going to watch but am reliably informed is just Eric Weinstein trying to be nice and diplomatic and letting Terrence Howard down easy, but essentially telling him he’s crazy to his face for 4 hours.

You almost have to feel bad for Terrence Howard because he’s clearly very passionate about science and puts a lot of thought into the stuff he comes up with, but he’s up against a master of the field here so hopefully he took Weinstein’s corrections on board and accepts that he could be wrong about one or two or three or more of the things he believes.

Although in fairness, I can barely understand what either of them are talking about, so I’m just trusting the guy with the PhD knows what he’s on about, and not the Hollywood actor who claims he can remember being inside his mum’s womb. Happy to be proven wrong, though.

Full thing below:

For the time Terrence Howard’s wife extorted money from him by threatening to leak images of his tiny penis, click HERE. This could explain a few things…



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