Madeleine McCann Investigator Tells Missing Jay Slater’s Family ‘Give Me Three Days’



A Madeleine McCann investigator has told missing teenager Jay Slater’s family he can get them answers ‘in three days’, and establish whether we’re dealing purely with a missing person case or whether there’s anything nefarious going on.

Former police officer Mark Williams-Thomas said he’s offered to get Jay’s mum, Debbie Duncan, ‘answers as to what happened’ to the 19-year-old. Mark, who carried out a TV investigation into prime Madeleine McCann suspect Christian Brueckner, has offered to fly out to Tenerife to ‘find out whether a third party was involved’.

Jay Slater, who went missing during a holiday in Tenerife (PA)

Speaking to Manchester Evening News, he said: “I would quickly be able to do establish whether or not there are suspicious circumstances. But I’d need total access to everything and to speak to all the witnesses involved.”

Now sadly describing someone as a ‘Madeleine McCann investigator’ would suggest they don’t have the greatest success rate in the world when it comes to tracking down young people who have gone missing, but I’m sure Mark Williams-Thomas has a wealth of experience under his belt and he also sounds very confident that he can get some answers. It’s not like the Spanish authorities or search & rescue teams have made any breakthroughs, so why not let another expert get involved?

Still… 3 days? That’s putting a lot of pressure on himself. What happens after the three days if he comes up short? Does he continue investigating the Jay Slater case? Does he say “well, I tried” and fly back home? I’m not sure, but I don’t see why Jay’s mum and his friends/family would have an issue with Mark Williams-Thomas joining the investigation? Do you?

For a look at Jay Slater’s mum explaining what the £32,000 raised on GoFundMe will go towards, click HERE.



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