Summer Smash Attendee Gets Absolutely Annihilated After Trying To Start A Fight With Someone From Behind The Barrier



A general rule when picking a fight at a festival (or anywhere for that matter) is that if you’re the person who swings first, you better make sure you win the fight because if you don’t then things could get extremely embarrassing for you.

Case in point – this broccoli-haired young man at Summer Smash in Chicago, Illinois the other day:

Terrible, just terrible. He really should have aborted the mission as soon as he jumped over the barrier and immediately slipped and landed on the floor. Unfortunately this lad pressed forward and ended up getting knocked on his bum not once, not twice, but THREE TIMES by his opponent, who was still casually chilling behind the opposite barrier. The boy just kept coming back for more!

What makes it even worse is that there’s multiple angles of it happening:

Fair play to the kid in the pink shirt realising he had won fair and square and holding back at the end so as not to inevitably put his opponent in the hospital. Actually quite impressive levels of self-restraint given how excited and hyped everyone was around them. Managed to completely de-escalate the situation too.

Well anyway, a brutal lesson this young man will never forget (thanks in no small part to the footage being immortalised on the internet). Here’s hoping he was able to enjoy the rest of the Summer Smash festival anyway.

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