TikToker Goes Viral For Explaining How She Stalked A Man And Manipulated A Way To Meet Him



There’s nothing wrong with a bit of a Facebook/Instagram stalk, but the lengths this girl went to in order to bag herself a date with a stranger she fancied at the grocery store takes the concept of online stalking to the next level…

Can you imagine a guy doing that to a girl? It would be an episode of Criminal Minds before you know it. Then again, what if she hits it off with this guy and they go on to get married and have kids and live a wonderful life together? The way she engineered the whole thing by stalking his family and manipulating his mum into suggesting the first date will have 100% been worth it. A stroke of genius, you might say!

Then again it could go the complete opposite direction and this poor guy ends up chopped into pieces in this girl’s freezer, so I guess it’s a 50/50 in that regard. In truth, she’s probably made up the whole thing up because a) why expose yourself like this and b) people will say anything to viral on TikTok. That’s the internet these days, I’m afraid.

To watch a TikToker cry about the reality of working a 9-to-5 job, click HERE.



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