Bristol Man Goes Viral For Claiming He Nearly Knocked Out Mike Tyson In A Pub



Imagine if you mixed Jay from the Inbetweeners with Ronnie Pickering and put their brain into the skull of a 50-year-old man from Bristol. You’d get something like this guy named Dean Cooper who claims he once almost KO’d Mike Tyson with an ashtray in a pub, after Iron Mike disrespected him:

Amazing stuff. I think the most believable part is Mike Tyson saying “nah you’re alright mate” when he offered to buy him a drink. Was Elvis there as well?

I mean, even if it was true, it’s a bit ridiculous that this guy was contemplating smashing a man over the head with an ashtray because he didn’t accept a drink from him. Even more ridiculous when you consider that man was Mike Tyson. Although I guess being that violently deranged was part of the culture in certain pubs back when you could still smoke in them. It’s called being a hard man! Ever heard of it?

Well anyway, will be interesting to see if Mike Tyson responds to this because various rips are being shared all over Twitter so I’m sure he’ll get wind of it. Never forget:

For a look at Mike Tyson’s ear-shaped cannabis gummies, click HERE.



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