The world was saddened towards the end of last year when the news that troubled singer Aaron Carter had sadly passed away at his home with many fearing the worst and that he had taken his own life.
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The autopsy however can confirm that this wasn’t the case, although the truth is hardly any less tragic as it was revealed that Aaron accidentally drowned in the bathtub when he passed out having indulged in a lethal cocktail of over the counter drugs. Here’s what the document said:
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The 34-year-old male, Aaron Carter, was found submerged under water and unresponsive in his bathtub.
Medics responded and pronounced death at the scene. Autopsy revealed pulmonary edema and no fatal trauma.
Toxicological testing detected the presence of difluoroethane and alprazolam in Mr. Carter’s system. Additionally, anti-histamine and quetiapine metabolites were present.
Based on the autopsy findings, investigative reports and circumstances, as currently known, Mr Carter became incapacitated while in the bathtub due to the effects of inhaling compressed gas and taking alprazolam.
This resulted in him becoming submerged under water, unable to breathe, and ultimately led to his death.
The cause of death is drowning due to the effects of difluoroethane and alprazolam. The manner of death is accident.”
For those of you who aren’t in the know, difluoroethane is a whippet (inhaling the fumes from a spray propellant can) and alprazolam is Xanax. Sad. RIP Aaron Carter.
If his death teaches us anything though it’s that it’s probably not a good idea to go and run yourself a bath when you’re high off your face on prescription drugs. I think that will stay with me to be fair.
For more of the same, check out when Aaron Carter’s tattoo artist had to stop him from getting his whole face covered. Fair enough really.