This Guy Only Eats Easter Eggs And Has Already Scoffed 200 This Year



We’ve featured a lot of weird and strange diets over the years here on Sick Chirpse, but I think this guy who only eats Easter Eggs is definitely up there as one of the most bizarre.

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30 year old father of Ashley Kean claims that the only foods he can eat are Easter Eggs, mashed potato, Yorkshire puddings and fruit due to ‘strange eating habits’ that he picked up as a child. When Easter Egg season begins in January, Kean spends all his time eating them all day, although he admits that he does get bored of them after a while.

Here’s what he had to say about his condition:

My diet is quite boring and not something I enjoy.

I can’t have meals with my two kids so we can’t go out for family meals and stuff like that. It is massively frustrating, especially at Christmas.

From the start of January through to April I eat over the 250 Easter eggs. It averages out between three and six a day depending on how hungry I get.

It’s like the best part of the year for me. I eat a lot of the £1 Easter eggs and spend a lot of money on them.

It’s getting to point where it’s coming towards Easter and I’ve had them for past nearly four months. I’m getting quite sick of them.

On the outside I look like normal 30-year-old. It’s depressing but it’s something I’ve always lived with. The amount of chocolate I eat isn’t normal, yet I’m not diabetic or anything, how is everything fine?

A lot of people say, ‘If you only eat chocolate, why aren’t you the size of a house?’ I requested a full MOT from the doctors a few years ago because I thought, ‘Surely I can’t be perfectly fine’.

I did all the tests and they said all my levels were perfect. But how when this is my diet?

There’s no meat, veg or takeaways. I love mash but don’t eat chips or jacket potatoes.

I’ve tried different foods over the years to try and change my diet but now it’s the fear of being sick. I hate being sick and don’t want to put myself through that.

I would always throw up whenever I tried new foods as a baby and now I’m scared to do so as an adult in case I throw up again.

After visiting various doctors over the year, nobody can identify the problem.

Before I had kids, I couldn’t stand the smell of food or touching food.

But since having kids I can cook food for them and my partner.

It does frustrate me that I can’t go out with them and have a meal – if we go out for a meal, I’ll just sit and have a couple of drinks.

It’s frustrating because where do I go from here? It’s getting to the point where it’s my diet and I have to accept it.

That does sound really annoying, but it also sounds like it’s not really even a real thing? He mentioned that he went to a doctor and they found that there wasn’t really anything wrong with him physically, so it must just be a weird psychological aversion to trying new foods or something? Can’t he just hypnotise himself to get over it? Or better yet just stop acting like a baby and try some real food like an adult?

Maybe that’s a bit unsympathetic but it does seem like the guy is a bit of an idiot if this is how he’s reacting to basic concepts like ‘eating food.’ Can’t be a baby all your life mate.

For more of the same, check out out this ‘Friends’ Easter Egg that will absolutely blow your mind. Seriously.



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