I’m sure most actors want to add value to a film or TV show beyond being there for race representation, so it makes sense that Idris Elba is reluctant to refer to himself as a ‘black actor’.
The Wire and Luther legend told Esquire:
“Of course, I’m a member of the Black community. You say a prominent one. But when I go to America, I’m a prominent member of the British community. ‘Oh, U.K.’s in the house!’ If we spent half the time not talking about the differences but the similarities between us, the entire planet would have a shift in the way we deal with each other.
As humans, we are obsessed with race. And that obsession can really hinder people’s aspirations, hinder people’s growth. Racism should be a topic for discussion, sure. Racism is very real. But from my perspective, it’s only as powerful as you allow it to be. I stopped describing myself as a Black actor when I realized it put me in a box. We’ve got to grow. We’ve got to. Our skin is no more than that: it’s just skin. Rant over.”
Fair enough really. Idris is Idris like Prince is Prince. He doesn’t need to distinguish himself as a black actor or British actor. That’s what was so cool about Luther – the character wasn’t a black homicide detective, he was just a homicide detective who happened to be black. If you remember the show Red Dwarf in the 90s; 2 of the 4 lead characters were black (unprecedented at the time) but there was never any reference to race with their characters. They made no big deal about it at all. They were just characters in the show and so to us kids watching as well.
It’s weird to think how years later, institutions like Hollywood and the BBC want to highlight skin colour and group identity every time an actor or artist does something notable. It wasn’t that long ago the BBC’s Diversity Chief said Idris Elba’s Luther ‘isn’t black enough’ because he ‘doesn’t have black friends and doesn’t ear Caribbean food’. Sigh…