Man With 48-Year Grudge Caught Peeing On His Ex-Wife’s Grave Every Morning



We’ve all got an ex we’d rather never speak to nor hear from again, but holding a 48-year grudge and taking your morning p*ss on your dead ex’s grave every morning? That is some next level grudging indeed.

The deceased lady’s furious kids were trying to figure out who kept peeing and leaving bags on poop of their dead mum’s grave, and so they set up a hidden camera.

They managed to capture this footage of the gross grave visitor – a man who was briefly married to their mum Linda Torillo in the 70s:

Linda’s son Michael Andrew Murphy told the NY Post what is was like to catch the man who kept desecrating his mum’s final resting place:

“I felt like getting out and killing him. I was shaking while I was hiding. My sister was crying. … I was sick I was so angry.

I don’t know if the man owns a dog, or is sh-tting in a bag himself, or is getting some dog sh-t. All I know is that he’s using my mother’s grave as his toilet every morning.”

Fair play to him for not murdering the guy right there on his mum’s grave/his own puddle of urine and poop, which would have been pretty poetic tbh. The NY Post won’t name the man because he hasn’t officially been charged yet (um, why?) but here’s another messed up factor to the story: the man drove to the cemetery almost every morning between 6:14 a.m. and 6:18 a.m. with his current wife in the car, before getting out and peeing on Linda’s grave. What kinda wacky people are we dealing with here?

According to Linda’s son, the man left his mum when she was pregnant and never had anything to do with his biological daughter, except for one time earlier this year when he ran into the daughter and said he wished she were dead and cursed her and her mother. Michael reckons it’s possible this scumbag has been peeing and pooing on his mum’s grave since 2017 when she died of cancer:

“He could have been peeing out there for five years and we wouldn’t have known it. We only found out because of the feces.”

Messed up. I don’t know what the hell Linda did to this dude all those years ago but clearly he’s not the slightest bit over it. It’s been nearly five decades dude, move on!

To meet the mum who found three bags of urine in her Ocado delivery, click HERE. What the…?!



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