Did that look like an accident to you? Shane Ryan, 33, initially said he tripped and fell but then changed his story during trial and admitted it was deliberate, according to Metro. Both men were working out at Next Level Gym in Palmerston, northern Australia, when the attack occurred, in which Ryan bashed his victim over the head with a 20kg plate as he was lying on his back bench-lifting dumbbells. The two men did not know each other personally but were ‘amicable and friendly’ whenever they saw each other at the gym, and the incident was entirely unprovoked. Was he jealous of his gains or something?
The victim suffered a fractured skull along with ‘significant and ongoing’ psychological problems, while Ryan faked that he had injured his ankle, then called an ambulance for the man he had just brutalised. After pleading guilty on the first day of his trial, he was sentenced to 19 months in prison. Which seems kinda soft considering he could have killed the guy. Absolute psychopath.
To watch two uni students try (and fail) to beat up a guy at Planet Fitness, click HERE.