There’s a subsection of social media/Twitter where people revel in making absolutely disgusting home meals, but I don’t think I’ve seen or heard of anything as monstrous as this guy’s famous ‘Sunday Wets’ meal.
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Firstly, it’s important to note that this Carter Hambley guy describes himself as a comedian in his Twitter bio so this probably isn’t a real meal that he makes to consume every week, but even despite this it’s kinda worrying that the guy could even be creating something as disgusting looking as this. I’m not even sure what’s he’s even dong here – it looks like he’s stomping a bunch of tomatoes with his feet, then serves them up on a crumpled up paper plate with some noodles, maybe some prawns/and some rank looking brown stuff – but it’s safe to say that it doesn’t look very appetising at all. Downright repugnant in fact.
Thankfully, Carter was on hand on Twitter to explain the dish to some of the haters:
got up early to stomp the reds for my famous Sunday Wets. lotta work but boy is it worth it
— carter hambley (@carterhambley) October 18, 2020
sunday wets. traditional british meal
— carter hambley (@carterhambley) October 18, 2020
my children are gone and i don’t know where they went. but they always find ther way home for Wets
— carter hambley (@carterhambley) October 18, 2020
stodgy brown all i could find :// town grocer’s still on fire
— carter hambley (@carterhambley) October 18, 2020
extra drippy today. nana says sauce on ur socks make for a supple bite
— carter hambley (@carterhambley) October 18, 2020
3 stone
— carter hambley (@carterhambley) October 18, 2020
wife always says: “sunday Wets like sex it is different every time
— carter hambley (@carterhambley) October 18, 2020
no time they are not sleepy babies!!!!
— carter hambley (@carterhambley) October 18, 2020
Right. Glad that’s all cleared up, I think I’m convinced that ‘Sunday Wets’ are the ending to the week that I never knew I needed. Shame it’s Monday today so I’m going to have to wait until next week to sample my first Wets, but boy am I excited. Bet you are too.
For more of the same, check out the 15 most disgusting meal attempts made by extremely high people. Seriously.