These Are The Biggest Mistakes People Make During Sex



We’re all guilty of making mistakes in the bedroom – it’s just part of the learning process. Of course, everyone’s different and people find a whole variety of things either a turn on or turn off.

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However, according to a recent survey of 5,000 heterosexual adults, there are some blunders that a majority of people find frustrating in a partner. Australian jewellery firm Forktip asked the participants about their sex lives and it had some eye-opening results.

The women’s least favourite things about their male partner include:

Weird noises

Penis too small

Ejaculates too quickly

Changes position too frequently

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Meanwhile, men’s least favourite things about their female partner include:

Too loose

Makes too much noise

Breasts too small

Lack of booty

I mean, some of those findings are pretty savage – if you’re a dude with a small penis or a girl who doesn’t have curves like a Kardashian then there’s not much that you can do about that. And really, if you’re with someone you love then none of that stuff should really matter. Although it doesn’t specify, perhaps the people in the survey were just talking about short term partners (i.e. one night stands) in which case you’re mostly going to go off of physical attributes. If you’d like to read the full findings of the study, click HERE.

To find out what women really want men to say during sex, click HERE.



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