School Faces Devastating Backlash Over This Nazi-Themed Year Book Photo



A school over in the US is facing a huge backlash after an official yearbook picture showing two children dressed up as Nazis.

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The picture shows the kids wearing Adolf Hitler moustaches and hats with swastikas. Parents of the students at Houston Middle High School in Memphis, Tennessee, were allegedly outraged when the kids brought home the book.

Rabbi Katie Bauman said:

It’s an image without context and is understandably upsetting a lot of people.

That picture contains symbols, contains these images that are very powerful, that can carry with them a very painful story to my people in particular.

The school has since apologised for the offensive blunder and the headteacher, Liz Diaz, blamed it on a lesson teaching kids about racism and prejudice in Nazi Germany. Probably should’ve avoided the costume aspect if that was really the aim. Liz added:

Adolf Hitler

Through role-playing, the students were asked to draw conclusions about unjust laws in Nazi Germany.

This activity led to students reflecting on discrimination today and how to confront unjust laws in our society.

We apologise that the yearbook may have offended anyone or has caused misunderstanding of our intent.

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The school district authorities are now investigating the matter. It’s quite obvious that this was just a history lesson that got out of hand. Teaching the kids about the prejudices of Hitler is important, but I don’t know what dumbass teacher thought that it would be a good shout to put the kids in swastika-laden gear. Something tells me they’re not going to be teaching history lessons for too much longer.

To read about how new evidence suggests Hitler was on coke and meth throughout his entire reign, click HERE.



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