This Couple’s Divorce Party Looks Better Than Most Weddings



People will make up any excuse to throw a party these days, whether it be celebrating somebody’s half birthday or creating a whole festival centred around the theme of testicles. Pretty much any occasion can be spun into a means to get on the sesh, which is probably why so many people decide to finally tie the knot. As well as being able to get a shit load of presents and potentially some tax benefits, it’s the perfect excuse to get all your friends and family pissed in one go. They’re less likely to bail on a wedding party than any other event too, you know because of it being a supposedly important milestone and all that.


Whilst wedding parties are the norm, divorce parties are pretty much unheard of. This is why so many people are flabbergasted at the news of this one couple’s hilarious do to mark the occasion of the end of their marriage.

Michelle Mahoney and Jeff Becerra, parents of Emma who posted the viral tweet that alerted everyone to this brilliant idea, were married for over 20 years before deciding to split. The ex couple had thrown the party to try and reduce any potential hurt to family and friends.

Perks of the party included booze, ballons and even custom made personalised souvenirs such as mugs and pens that featured the faces of the unhappy couple – there was even a “Just Divorced” getaway car which was pretty jokes. As far as we know, a good time was had by all.

Congratulations on your divorce guys!

They definitely had a better run than this one couple, where the husband demanded a split after seeing his wife without makeup for the first time. Harsh, much?



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