Everyone Looks Better With Steve Buscemi Eyes



Steve Buscemi is one of the golden men of Hollywood. Like Bill Murray, I can’t think of much he’s been in that hasn’t been good.

Images VIA 

And while he may be famed for his great acting and directorial skills, he’s also remembered for his distinctive look – namely his eyes.


Image VIA

Now while many people might call them weird or googly, I happen to think it’s a very strong look. In fact, I think more people could do with having Steve Buscemi eyes. Obviously the maker of the following images thought so, as they’ve painstakingly Photoshopped the distinctive features onto other celebrity’s faces:

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Lovely stuff. My personal favourite was the deer. And how fucked up did Angelina Jolie look? Maybe Brad should keep a copy of that by his bedside table, just to look at whenever he needs some comfort about their divorce.



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