I’m not sure whether this latest statistic is due the shitty choice for US President or because of the whole Harambe saga since his death, but either way, 5% of the US population said they would choose the deceased gorilla as their leader.
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According to Public Policy Polling, voters would much rather put Harambe in charge of the country over Hillary Clinton or Donald Trump. To be fair, I reckon he’d do a lot less damage if he were sat in the White House.
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Overall 43% who took part in the survey said they’d vote for Trump, 48% for Hillary and 5% for Harambe, while 4% were undecided. In addition, Harambe had a significantly lower unfavourable rating amongst voters in the poll, at only 27%. Meanwhile, Trump obviously had the leading score in this category, with 58% providing negative rating for the New York billionaire.
All in all, this poll was obviously meant as a bit of a joke because of all of the Harambe memes going around online since his untimely death in May. But still, I think it highlights the severe mess of this year’s presidential election. You’ve got two severely disliked leaders in competition for the throne who are so uninspiring that people are suggesting a dead primate would be a safer bet. And do you know what, maybe they are right.
This woman claimed she would quite literally die rather than vote for either Hillary or Trump.