Watch This Dad Launch Himself Over Courthouse Table At The Man Who Murdered His Daughter



I can’t even imagine what it would be like looking into the eyes of the person who murdered my daughter and trying not to rip their face off, but that’s the tragic situation family members of murder victims find themselves in court.

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This one man over in Ohio this week couldn’t control himself however, and launched himself over the defendant’s table after addressing the court, trying to land a blow on the convicted killer.

Unfortunately, the guards got in his way.

Watch below:

I know those guards/police are just doing their jobs and we can’t just have everyone dishing out vigilante justice as they see fit, but come on. How the fuck do you break that up before the guy even has a chance to land one punch? That piece of shit murdered his daughter. He’s already been CONVICTED (not alleged) and he’s sitting there smiling in the dude’s face showing no remorse whatsoever. I mean just look at this prick:


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Those cops should have just acted like they were distracted for a few seconds and let him get some shots in. Or at least make a worse effort to break it up and let him unload just a little bit. No way I would be able to do that job and sit there protecting a man like that.

Bonus clip – this dad actually managed to land a punch:



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